Thursday, March 25, 2010

New Blogs and Old Dogs

I started this blog because I forgot the password to my old one and decided that it sounded fun again. You can read briefly about the me from 2 years ago here. I am not really sure what this stage of my life will allow me to create as far as writing goes. I argue with myself about what is a
good topic to write about, if it is enlightening, if it is funny, if anyone will care, will it make someone cry, if it is relevant in any way, and does it have the potential to change a life (if only for the moment).
My life is a sweet harmony of love, laughs, big dreams, good cries, and controlled chaos. My husband is truly fascinating to me. With him I am stronger and better than I ever dreamed of being alone. He motivates me to love with reckless abandon. I have a diverse circle of friends - so pure, and rough around the edges, and opinionated, and old fashioned, and lost, and musical, and liberal, and inspiring. Like a friendship flea market without the funny smell of mothballs. I have a job that I am passionate about and I am constantly amazed that I have been given the opportunity to be a part of something so much bigger than me and us. My family is wonderfully supportive and proud. I cling to my faith and find that the warmest, sweetest, most cozy place to be is wrapped up in the love of Christ.

All of that to say, most of what will follow will be about some of that delicious stuff. I hope you're hungry.