Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Make Your Predictions

As promised in a previous post, it's time to talk gender.

Boy or Girl.

Pink or Blue.

Inboard or Outboard.

Thoughts On Girls:

NEWS FLASH - I wasn't exactly great at being a little girl. Check the top 100 adjectives to describe me as a child, teenager, even young adult and, shockingly, graceful, ladylike, elegant, and refined didn't seem to make the cut. I despise[d] dresses, make-up, and hair bows. I only agreed to wear the majority of these items and to get my ears pierced in exchange for the chance to wear my super cool Jordan V's (normal girls will have to go
here to see what these are).
The point is, I'm nervous about a girl. I don't know how to dance or do gymnastics or french braid. I don't really care for Barbie too much. And, the jury is still out on my feeling about the color pink.
On the other hand, even though I wasn't great at being the stereotypical girl, I am a girl and I have been a girl for my whole life. I know that girls are lovers and are wired to be caring and sympathetic. I know that girls battle insecurity and constantly compare themselves to each other. I know that the girls clothing section totally beats the boys section in every store. I know that I love crafts and I can make a pretty awesome bead necklace - what girl wouldn't love to do that? I know that Jason will be the most protective, proud, and affirming daddy of a little girl. My heart really skips a beat when I imagine him with a little girl. He will probably know how to french braid too because he'll decide it's a series of nautical knots running down his daughter's head rather than a complex hairdo. Whatever.

Thoughts On Boys:

Boys are weird. Trust me, I live with one. When they use the restroom they stand up which seems tiring and, even in full grown boys, can be messy. They like dirt and worms and bugs, all of which I could do without completely. Boys find ridiculous entertainment in burps, farts, and vomit, again, all of which I could do without. They all seem to automatically know what a catalytic converter is and what it does and where in the heck you find one. I just found out it's a catalytic converter not a Cadillac converter. Armpit hair - ewwww. Oh my gosh, and he's going to stink, like B.O. stink, and then try to cover it with way too much Axe Spray. Boys are just so different in every way.

But, then again, I did rock that pair of Jordan V's (not a ton of moms can say this). I know about sports. Boys don't like to have their hair french braided so I won't have to worry about that. Boys don't require quite as many accessories as girls. I like blue. Jason can teach him how to fish and spend the weekend camping. My heart really melts when I think about a little guy running around here. "The boys" has a nice ring to it.

Truthfully, there is just no way that I can say that I'd rather have one or the other. Before I was pregnant I always imagined my first child being a boy. Now that I am pregnant I imagine that I don't care either way. We are bound to screw up many, many, many times whether it is a boy or a girl. The bottom line is, if we guessed we'd have a 50% chance of being correct. The majority of our friends are predicting that Jangie is a boy. The Chinese Calendar predicts Jangie is a boy. Some say I'm "carrying it high" (whatever the heck that means) which is supposed to indicate Jangie is a girl. I have not been sick which means different things in different circles.

We want to know what you think? Is Jangie a boy or a girl?

We will find out the real answer on Friday (if Jangie cooperates) and see if your votes and predictions were right or wrong.

Photo Attribution

1 comment:

  1. Kyle, the patent leather on the XI's was tight - a true classic.
