Tuesday, September 14, 2010


Life has been somewhat of a blur the last 2 weeks. It seems like a million things have happened and at the same time, most everything is the same. As tempted as I have been to go absolutely crazy at times, I have felt an overwhelming peace around me and am loving spending time with Jason just breathing it all in.

So, in case you missed previous announcements – WE ARE HAVING A GIRL!!!

It is ridiculously stupid how excited I have become about our little sprout.

Here are the top things that pump me up about having a girl:

III. My husband. I already think he’s pretty stinkin’ cool but he is going to be way cooler with a daughter. She’ll sleep on his chest and my heart will melt. He’ll brush her hair (and probably French braid it) and I’ll think he’s the sexiest man on the planet. She’ll climb trees and swing too high and ride on his shoulders, all of which will make my heart skip a beat. He’ll act like a tough guy and then cry like a girl when she goes on her first date. He’s going to be such a great dad, I can hardly stand it.

b. These hats. I think they are the cutest darn things ever made with yarn. I’m sure you’re shocked that I like something so pink. Yes, I noticed the ginormous flower on it. I love it so much I bought yarn and a "Beginner’s Guide to Crocheting." [Insert public apology to my dear friend Amber, who I may have made fun of for crocheting in the past. I get it now. it’s fun. It’s not just for people over 65. I’m sorry.]

1. The coolest 3 second video ever. If you can watch this without emotion you should check your pulse. Ah, she's awesome!

I am providing a womb for a little girl that I’ve never met. I don’t know if she will have Jason’s giant eyebrows or my crooked toes. I find myself wondering and dreaming about the sound of her cries, coos and one day, her voice. I have no idea what her dreams are but I already believe in them. I melt when I think about what her smile will look like, how her eyes will squint and her cheeks will blush. (I’m practically crying right now – pregnancy is brutal on the hormones). I pray that she has Jason’s passion for helping and serving others sacrificially and my all-around-awesomeness (see, crying one second and back to normal the next). One thing I am absolutely sure of is that I am crazy, madly in love with her already.

1 comment:

  1. And you made me cry a little bit too! I may be biased, but I too think girls are the best!
